March 1st, 2020

The Shepherd Will Make Your Bones Fat

The Shepherd will take care of you in moments of drought. 

Droughts and hot weather pose challenges to shepherds and sheep. Sheep go through heat stress. Their fur retains heat and unless their conditions are altered, their body temperature continues to increase, and the sheep eventually collapse and die.

A shepherd must be vigilant to look for non-traditional ways of feeding and watering the sheep. With grazing pastures dried up, he must now feed his sheep on more exotic foods like sorghum, oats, barley and or sheep nuts. The cost of maintaining sheep in such conditions is high and this can cause emotional, physical and financial stress for the shepherd. Not only must he be extra vigilant in finding alternative ways of feeding and watering his animals, but he must monitor the sheep to ensure they are well cooled, nourished, and healthy. The shepherd is present constantly. 

How does God deal with His sheep in moments of high heat and drought?

I believe God does the same for His children. In your times of drought and high heat, you have the unfailing attention of the Shepherd. Like a vessel on the wheel of a master porter, He carefully molds and works intricate designs while keeping you pliable and well cured like good clay that produces a master-piece vessel for His use.

The Shepherd’s eye is on you. Regardless of the intensity of your circumstances, the Shepherd says, “Fear not.” Do not be dismayed. God will not leave you to face the fierce world with its storms alone. Instead, He will strengthen and help you with His mighty righteous right hand. (See Isaiah 41:10)

He will satisfy your heart in moments of drought. The Shepherd does not take pride in malnourished sheep. God will nourish you and your little ones. God will not leave you to huff and puff like one who is destitute in a dry and scorched land. Take His promise and walk with hope and courage today: 

“And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not.” (Isaiah 58:11)

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