March 3rd, 2020

Enjoying the Company of the Shepherd

I have been young and now I am older, but I have never seen shepherds guarding, watching and staying on pasture lands day after day without their sheep. When you find a shepherd all by himself in such places, he is usually on a specific mission.  Conversely, it is equally rare to see sheep unattended for days in those pasture lands. 

Sheep enjoy the company of their shepherd. Remember, they are dependent animals. They need a shepherd if they must thrive and stay safe. A shepherd without sheep and sheep without a shepherd are misnomers both in the literal and spiritual sense. 

God delights in His children. He takes pleasure in His people. (Psalm 149:4) Imagine how awful it would be for a shepherd to look forward to taking care of his sheep only for the sheep to run away from him or to walk contrary to his desires.

  • God enjoys the company of His children. He loves to see you walk and commune with Him. 
  • It gives God pleasure to see your heart warmed and enchanted toward Him. Those who stay close to Him enjoy extra benefits that accompany salvation. They see His face and are strengthened in their spirits. God lightens their burdens, and they can still praise Him during tough situations. (See Psalm 84)
  • There is no better way to go through life than to hold onto God and enjoy His company regardless of your surroundings.
  • God has great promises for those who enjoy His company. 

“Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.” Psalm 37:4-5

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