God works in mysterious ways. He orchestrates events and His sovereignty sets His beloved children on fulfilling adventures better known as life.

Amilliah was fascinated by many Bible stories as a child. One, in particular, left a lifetime of wonder to a young and inquisitive mind. This story seems to accompany her on her walk of faith with God.

How could God work so mysteriously yet methodically in the life of Joseph? How could God use the treacherous ways of Joseph’s brothers to work His eternal purposes not only for Joseph but for the redemption of nations? How could the transaction of an innocent teenage boy into foreign slavery be a path to the salvation of many? How could the deception of Potiphar’s wife be a pathway to redemption? How can one be prepared to be a vessel of honor behind the closed doors of prison walls?

God has journeyed the Kenya family through various life terrains to the extent of producing an assurance that “nothing occurs to God”. God has instilled eternal lessons in the lives of each member of the Kenya family and today they are witnesses to the truth that God allows specific people to cross our paths of life for a purpose.

Around 1885 God moved in the heart of a young man, from a small town of Legrand in Marshal Town County, Iowa, about establishing mission work in Kenya. He obeyed, enrolled in a Bible institute, and with two others, they packed their bags. These three young men said goodbye to their families and the comforts of life to set on this mission which would consume their own lives.

They arrived in Kenya and found the country very sparsely populated and filled with forested lands. The trio chose to set up a mission station in one of the most remote areas of the time. A focused purpose of evangelism served as their greatest motivation. Their desire was to serve the natives wholeheartedly through the gospel of Christ. The Tiriki, with whom they chose to work, were very traditional and oblivious to the universal Savior who suffered, died, resurrected, and was available for all.

Amidst many odds, a mission station was established at Kaimosi, Tiriki, in 1902.

In 1996, Charles, and Amilliah Kenya were transferred to teach at Kaimosi Girls’ High School. This is a girls’ boarding school; one of the institutions that was established by the missionaries. This young Kenyan couple knew there was plenty of work in this section of God’s vineyard and thereby diligently sought and served God wholeheartedly. Their children, Daniel and Hope, were glad to be part of Kaimosi Friends Primary School. Harry would join them later.

In the year 2000, the Kenya’s experienced a “Joseph encounter” with God. His sovereign, all knowing hand sent Dan and Sarah Beane to Kaimosi as they enjoyed the warm Kenyan weather away from the Iowa winter and vacationed at the Bible School—yet another of the institutions that was built by the missionaries.

Their paths crossed at the interlocks of God’s providence and purpose. God knit their hearts together as Dan and Sarah became part of God’s work where Charles and Amilliah labored and invested in the lives of young people and married couples. Within a year, Dan and Sarah Beane were like family.

In 2001, the Beane’s requested Charles and Amilliah to consider going to Iowa to strengthen the work of God whose lights were deeming greatly. This work was in the same area that had sent missionaries to Kaimosi. Little did the three young men know that their own people would stand in need of this same gospel a little over 100 years later! God beautifully sent help from the fruit of their labor and sacrifice!

Look out for the full story, the amazing working, and unfolding of God as He still leads and talks to His people in the 21st Century. The Kenya’s hope to publish this story to encourage every child of God that God is sovereign. He does what He wants, when He wants, the way He wants and uses whomsoever He wills to accomplish His work. In the meantime, pray that God, the orchestrator of all events opens a door for publication.